New world,
new life,
that’s what I wanted
to see,
unforeseen problems,
old dreams,
that’s what
life wrote.
The airport was
like a gate,
but I didn’t know
if it led to heaven or hell,
uncertainty suggested
to return,
hope pushed
Migration is the flight
of a bird
across a foreign sky,
only future knows
if wings will be driven
by friendly winds
or will you end up
like Icarus.
by Norbert Góra
Norbert Góra is a 33 year old poet and writer from Poland. He is the author of more than 130 poems published in many poetry anthologies and magazines around the world. He has written four dark poetry books in English - "A globe bathed in horror," "Darkness in the end," "Deadlines," "There must be something between dark and light," and one short story collection of horror ,"Brutality." He is inspired by both the light and the murkiness and always looking for publishing opportunities in new languages.